Seeking Alpha

About Seeking Alpha

Overview Seeking Alpha is the world’s largest investing community. Powered by the wisdom and diversity of crowdsourcing, millions of investors connect to discover and share investing ideas, discuss breaking news, debate the merits of stocks, and make informed investment decisions. 17 million people use Seeking Alpha every month. Seeking Alpha has unparalleled breadth and depth: from stocks, ETFs and mutual funds to commodities and cryptocurrency, including thousands of stocks (such as small-caps) not analyzed elsewhere. Written by investors for investors, more than 7,000 contributors publish 10,000 investing ideas every month. Each thesis undergoes a rigorous editorial review, ensuring the highest quality standards. A healthy debate ensues, as investors all over the world discuss and share their thoughts and ideas. Seeking Alpha levels the playing field by putting exclusive tools, until now available only to Wall Street professionals, into the hands of individual investors. Advanced