Gathern Cairo, Egypt

حول Gathern Cairo, Egypt

For most marketing professionals, the holy grail of success is to build a brand from zero to household name. To have orchestrated the strategy that grew a brand's notoriety is no simple feat, and it is nearly impossible in the age of abundant information and noise. As the number of communication channels have multiplied and consumers have been offered up endless choice, breaking through that noise takes a very special kind of brand. The special brands that break through are what Chris Kneeland (Cult Collective) and Ryan Gill (Communo), founders of The Gathering, would call Cult Brands. Cult Brands are described on Cult Collective's site as: (B)rands that enjoy enviable levels of customer engagement, benefit from tremendous word-of-mouth, and don’t need to artificially stimulate demand by shouting via mass media or bribing via constant sales promotions. Cult brand customers don’t just buy, they buy in.