Mistakes to Avoid After Being Laid Off - Being laid off is a devastating experience for anybody, regardless of their circumstances. Whether it was an individual experience or you were a part of a larger round of layoffs that affected the entire department, it would affect you negatively in both cases.
Read also, 10 Ways to Move on After Getting Laid Off
Dr. Job Pro is here today to show you how to handle the situation and remind you of 13 mistakes to avoid after being laid off.

1- Negatively criticizing your former employer

Make sure you don't let your upset sentiments lead you to speak ill of your boss. Remember that everybody you meet might be a valuable resource in your professional network.
You'll never know what doors your next-door neighbor may open for you, and you'll never know whether they believe you're a troublemaker or an unhappy employee.
When questioned about the layoff or your previous company, try to be polite or stay silent. Think about the traditional advice: If you can't say anything kind, don't say anything at all.
2- Refusing to tell anybody about the layoff

Keep it out in the open. It's crucial to communicate to your spouse and other close family members about the layoff, even if it's complicated. Getting back on your feet will require their love and support.
However, you shouldn't feel compelled to tell your children right away. It's OK to take some time to deal with your feelings.
3- Taking the First Step in Your Job Search

Instead of immediately starting a job hunt, you should reevaluate your professional goals. Make a list of all your successes, highlighting the ones that mean the most to you when you have some alone time.
You may discover that you'd be happy in a new position or function. You'll have specific accomplishments to include in your CV and cover letter.
You'll be more focused and productive in your networking if you've thought out your following actions and goals.
4- Focusing Only on the Negative Aspects

Hearing about layoffs can make your friends and family uncomfortable since it serves as a reminder that they, too, are at risk. Allow them to assist you by outlining the steps toward a more fulfilling professional future you hope to pursue.
5- Isolation

You need to get out of your house and meet people to get a new career. Job postings are seldom if never, advertised online.
You will probably obtain a job offer if you meet with 25 recruiting managers; not even an interview for a job is required for these discussions. If you set up informational interviews with firms you love, the hiring manager will remember you when a position becomes available.
A cup of coffee or lunch with previous colleagues who are familiar with your best work is also a must. Aim for two networking calls a day and two or three in-person meetings a week, or whatever you can manage. When you chat to former coworkers, they'll hear about your current successes and plans.
Reach out to the individuals who can help you land your next great job, whether you do it over the phone or by email.
6- Making an issue of it

Make sure you don't speak poorly about yourself, especially when someone asks you about your work or career progress. If you've recently been laid off, make sure you've got an update on your layoff and what you plan to do next. As an illustration, consider the following:
I was one of several employees laid off due to the downturn in the economy. If you are interested in working with me as a (insert job title or abilities) and (name an accomplishment that showcases those talents), don't hesitate to get in touch with me!"
7- Not contacting your connections

8- Letting yourself be consumed by your despair

It's time to dust up your résumé and begin searching for new employment opportunities after the self-pity phase has passed.
It's likely that the longer you spend grumbling about your job search, the more damage it will do to your emotional and financial well-being. There is a good chance that if you put all of your energy towards finding a new career, you'll feel better about yourself.
Losing a job is a trying event, no matter how you look at it. Recognize that you have the power to transform a bad situation into a learning opportunity. Your next job may be better than the one you had before you were dismissed. Who knows what else is out there.
9- Constantly whining on Facebook or Twitter

Even if you turn your social media accounts private, anybody may see what you post online.
Just be sure to publish things that are upbeat and upbeat. Avoid ranting and raving in public, and leave it for late-night phone calls with your closest pals, if at all possible.
10- Losing contact with your previous coworkers

In the first place, since you and your coworkers are working in the same field, someone from your former business may likely come across a job opportunity that's just right for you. On the other hand, if you've been unable to contact that individual, the chance may go to someone else. You never know when you'll need a professional reference, and having previous coworkers who can gush about your abilities might speed up the process of finding a new job.
11- Dismissing any lower-paying job

Even if you are fortunate enough to land a job in your field of expertise that pays somewhat less than your prior work, don't let your pride prevent you from accepting the position.
Pay your bills and make it through the crisis by taking advantage of the circumstance. You don't know where it could take you down the road.
12- Making hasty decisions

Although it may seem apparent, refrain from disparaging your prior employment. Please don't do it, whether vocally or electronically (via emails, social media, or any other method).
You have no idea who could be watching or listening in on your conversations. It might be a future employer!
13- Taking a long break

Very seldom does being jobless provide the opportunity to spend additional funds on an unneeded expense - such as a trip. If you've been laid off, it's time to get your act together and make a financial plan for the next several months.