Working Mothers in Ramadan - Ramadan might make it much more challenging to keep your family's calendar on track during the rest of the year.
Time for prayer, charity, thought, and time to spend with friends and family.
Work-life balance for working moms means setting aside more time for spiritual pursuits like prayer and charitable gestures and your regular responsibilities.
Being a parent is the most critical job in the world, and being a working mother can make it even more difficult! The following advice can help you have a peaceful and enjoyable Ramadan.
So, Dr. Job wishes all working mothers in Ramadan a peaceful holy month by introducing the following seven tips.
1- Try to be more organized

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Set aside time each day to pray, conduct your jobs around the house, take care of your family, and supervise your children's schoolwork or studies.
2- Preparing ahead of time is a good idea

While working fewer hours and managing shorter school days for your children, you must also make sure you and your family are ready to sit down and enjoy a nourishing Iftar.
This month is going to be jam-packed with events!
The bottom line is this: get organized. Avoid procrastination and get started right away.
Are there any plans for you and your family to spend time together during this period?
Also, think about what you should eat and how much exercise you should have as part of your daily routine.
3- Discover a Few Cooking Tips and Tricks

To make a delicious iftar every day, you don't have to spend all day in the kitchen.
Significantly when you aren't fasting, cooking for your family is a time-consuming effort that becomes even more difficult when taking care of your job and your child.
Plan your meals based on your physical and mental capacities.
Meatballs from the freezer are perfectly acceptable when you don't have time for a full supper.
You can buy pre-cooked meals if you're too busy to prepare your iftar and Suhoor.
For those on the go, it's also a good idea to have light meals that are nutritional enough to keep you going all day.
4- It's All About the Timing and Scheduling!

If you're like most moms, you're good with organizing your time, but making a calendar as part of your preparation will save you time and work in the long run. Organize your month's priorities in a logical sequence.
Iftar and Suhoor's preparations will take some time. Watching television or utilizing social media will take up a significant portion of your time, as would other activities. When is a safe time to work out?
You'll have family and friends over at some point in the future.
Make a prioritized list of your tasks and schedule them accordingly. To ensure that everyone in the family is aware of what is expected of them, write it down and place it somewhere where they can see it.
Ramadan will be more pleasurable if you're well-prepared and have a schedule that combines work, family, worship, and social engagements.
As a result, you and your loved ones will be able to spend quality time with Allah and remain healthy and stress-free as you and your family grow closer to Him.
5- Learn how to divide your tasks

During Ramadan and other periods, it is in everyone's best interest if you let go of the reins and take a break.
Some of your responsibilities at work can be delegated to someone else who is competent in performing them.
You may be able to leave a little earlier on that day if you do this. Your husband can help out with some of the chores at home, and you can also give some duties to your kids that don't require much monitoring.
Meanwhile, you can entrust the care of your children to a responsible third party while you focus on your spiritual activity or prayer.
6- Make Time for Your Family

So plan your work hours to have time to spend with your loved ones.
As a result, the family will be able to connect better.
Remember that a happy family spends time together. Even though you'll be working, you'll have plenty of time for your family.
7- Set Time Limits That Are Doable

Instead of spending time in prayer and fellowship with loved ones, you'll be rushing to meet deadlines.
I'm sure your boss will realize that this particular month necessitates extra care.
Therefore I encourage you to bring it up with him.
Staying strong is the key to preserving both your personal and professional lives. It's not a big deal, but it's something to consider.
It's within your grasp. Your strength and faith will be strengthened towards the end of the month as you look back on what has transpired.