15 Secrets to Streamline Your Following Up After an Interview


Many candidates do not take advantage of having an opportunity to follow up after the job interview, if you’re not following up after an interview you’re missing a great opportunity to show the hiring recruiters that you are the ideal candidate and still interesting in the job opportunity.

15 Secrets to Streamline Your Following Up After an Interview

The Right Ways to Follow Up Professionally After a Job Interview

  1. Thank You Email in less within 24 hours after the interview
  2. Write a follow-up email after the interview
  3. Don’t call the interviewer instead you can send a follow-up email
  4. Address the person by their first name, you’ve built a relationship by now
  5. Refresh their memory of the interview, job title and any other items you discussed during your conversation
  6. Build professional relationships with hiring recruiters
  7. Stay in Touch with them on professional networks like LinkedIn
  8. Demonstrate follow-up skills, it’s your opportunity to show some professional skills of yours
  9. Show your interest and highlight that you want to know about the next steps
  10. During the interview don’t forget to ask about the hiring process details and when they may call you back 
  11. Send a reminder to ask for the update. You’ll most likely get a response indicating that they’re still in the process of interviewing and finalizing their decision.
  12. Wait for one to two more weeks to send a second follow-up email slightly modified version of the first email
  13. Be ready for any potential opportunity and update your LinkedIn profile and resume
  14. Don’t forget to follow the company page you are interested in on LinkedIn
  15. Suggest creative ideas to impress the potential employers
How long should you wait after an interview to follow up?

It’s advised to wait for one to two weeks before following up. A frequent call can give a non-professional impression about you, hearing back from the interviewer can take some time so you need to wait for some time.

Read more about How to Turn Interview Questions into Success

Keys to remain professional while following-up after the interview that may land the job

  • You have an opportunity to express your professionalism not only within the interview but also after the interview which is the follow-up
  • Make yourself unforgettable candidate by highlighting your skills
  • Build relationships with hiring recruiters through professional platforms like LinkedIn
  • Before leaving the interview you should remember to get all the needed contact details of the company and the right email address
You should show to the hiring employer that:

  • Appreciate the interviewer’s time having the job opportunity
  • Highlight that you are qualified enough to fill the job vacancy
  • Interested in the job
  • You will make a difference to the job by your unique skills
  • Let the thank you email be your great opportunity to show any significant information or ideas you may have forgotten to say in the interview
  • Confirm the next steps with the interviewer
  • Ask them to keep you posted on the status of the hiring process
How do you follow up after an interview if you haven't heard back?

If you sent your follow-up email after the interview and didn't hear back, here's what to do:

  • First, make sure you've waited from one to two weeks for a response
  • Give them some time because the hiring process can take time to choose the most convenient candidate
  • Ø  Then send a second follow-up email to the same recruiter, replying to the same email you already sent and for sure with the same subject line to keep relevancy
  • The job interview is just the beginning don’t be frustrated if they don’t call you back immediately It’s only a matter of time before they call you with an offer
Even if you don’t get the job, you should consider this opportunity to gain new experience, meeting new people and discover your abilities, your strengths, and weaknesses and finally to be ready for the next job opportunity. 

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