M and M Marketing Management L.L.C.

3 Employees

About M and M Marketing Management L.L.C.

M&M Marketing Management is an established outsourcing wing of M&M group of companies catering outsourcing services to banking and finance sector in UAE. We are currently hiring for sales positions for few banking clients in both Abu Dhabi and Dubai units.

  • Website : https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0TMsqKTQ2Mqo0YLRSNagwTjVNM0sxS0xJSzJINjA3tDKoME9NNU20NDJJNDOzMDGyTPESzFVIzEtRyFXITSzKTi3JzEsHAABIFaE&q=m+and+m+marketing&oq=m+and+m&aqs=chrome.2.0i433j0j46i175i199j0l4j69i60.3139j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
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