13 Ideas to Keep you Motivated at Work during Ramadan


How to be motivated at work during Ramadan - There are numerous advantages to fasting, and it has become a popular lifestyle choice in recent years.

While working during Ramadan can be beneficial, it also presents several difficulties.

That is the time of day when we are most likely to grumble or feel depleted of energy.

But don't worry; here are thirteen ideas to help you stay motivated at work during Ramadan from Dr. Job.

1- Plan Your Day.

If you're unable to focus and suffer from a headache, it's best to plan out your day before you get started.

Plan your days and job activities so that you don't have to deal with any surprises at work. It's simpler to stay focused on the task and less stressful to think about how the day will flow and what you'll accomplish when you have a plan.

2- Make sure your Suhoor is plentiful.

 It's important to remember not to overeat during Suhoor and break the fast when replenishing your energy.

Overeating for Suhoor will leave you feeling tired and sluggish, so consume a modest amount instead.

It would help if you ate various foods, including carbohydrates, protein, and fiber.

Fiber-rich foods (like oats!) help you feel fuller for longer. Remember to consume a lot of vegetables and fruits as well!0.

You can consume tomatoes, cucumbers, or melons high in water and fiber.

3- Drink plenty of water.

That is a good time for coffee drinkers to cut back on their caffeine consumption, Avoid spicy meals, increase the body's need for hydration, and aim for eight glasses of water a day.

Read also, 9 Steps to Get Ready for Ramadan at work

They should also avoid adding excessive amounts of salt to their meals. Drinking freshly squeezed juices is a must-do.

4- Make a list of everything.

Even though the workweek is shorter, the amount of work is not. It's essential to plan to get a lot done in a short period.

Please list the things you need to achieve each day and stick to them like glue. Your mind can wander when fatigued, so having a clear picture of your goals helps you stay focused.

Organize your day by creating a list of goals and breaking down massive projects into smaller, more manageable steps.

The essential chores should be done in the morning when you are most alert.

5- Work out regularly.

Endorphins are released in the body due to physical activity, which improves mood.

 Having an exercise schedule is essential if you want to keep energized and pumped up during what is sure to be a trying month.

 Nonetheless, steer clear of strenuous workouts like running and weight training and instead choose mild activities like Pilates, cycling, and stretching. Spend no more than 60 minutes working out at a time.

6- Relax a Bit.

You have the entire month of Ramadan to rejuvenate and refocus.

You'll be more aware and awake if you take a rest from time to time. If you get a headache because you didn't drink enough coffee, take a break and do nothing.

 You can take a break and go for a stroll; the change of scenery will help you stay awake and alert.

7- Set time limits for social media usage.

If there's one sin that the current generation enjoys, it's becoming overly dependent on social media.

This addiction may be a significant mood killer if you are not careful, so it is best to use it in tiny doses every day.

Even if you have to spend time on social media as part of your job, avoid letting it affect your mood. The best time to monitor the news is during your lunch break.

Keep alerts coming from a small number of reliable sources alone.

8- Be strong and don't give up.

Inspire yourself to get things done with enthusiasm and vigor.

We may face more significant difficulties because of religious responsibilities, such as abstaining from food and bad feelings and thoughts during Ramadan.

However, you must ensure that your motivation is strong enough to get the job done. The following pointers are simple to follow if you are committed.

9- Look after your health and well-being.

Get to know your body. It's yours. Keep away from junk food, squandering time, and other unproductive pursuits. You can overcome any obstacle and perform at your best at work if you are in good health.

10- Maintain a balanced diet.

After a fast, the desire for sweets is powerful, but indulging in those cravings could have negative consequences.

Ramadan may be a healthy and active time of year with the proper nutrition.

 Suhoor and iftar should include sufficient nutritious grains, protein, and veggies. Staying hydrated and cutting out processed and junk food will help you avoid fatigue-inducing sugar spikes and crashes.

11- Go ahead.

According to research, when you're about to begin a significant task, your brain tends to redirect itself to more commonplace issues.

You've been slacking off on critical work tasks because you've been distracted by Facebook.

Procrastination and stress are inevitable outcomes.

Getting started is the best method to get yourself going when you're worn out. Once you get over the initial hump, the momentum makes it easier to finish.

12- Relocate yourself.

Is it difficult for you to complete a task? What a difference a change of scenery can make.

Choose specific venues for specific tasks to boost concentration since the brain identifies different locales with various types of activity.

Ramadan productivity drops are expected, but a steep decline in performance could be detrimental to your professional future.

13- Control Your Cravings

Some people feel the need to eat as much as possible before going on a fast the next day.

Don't do this; don't push your stomach too far.

 You'll have trouble digesting, and you'll probably feel unwell, which will impact your ability to work the next day.

As an alternative, consume nutritious foods, savor each mouthful, and allow your digestive system time to metabolize the meal you've just taken in.