Badr University in Cairo (BUC)

About Badr University in Cairo (BUC)

Vision: The founders of Badr University in Cairo (BUC), worried about the divergence between the knowledge and skills genuinely needed by the Egyptian economy and the knowledge and skills possessed by university graduates, and hopeful for a prosperous and enlightened society, decided to establish a first class, nonprofit, private university in a new urban setting endowed with all the necessary physical, human, and intellectual capacities. BUC will strive to be a premier place of learning and scientific discovery, and a guiding light for the Egyptian renaissance in the 21st century. Mission: The mission of BUC is to have a positive influence on society through exploring, discovering, disseminating and applying knowledge, and to provide education, academic scholarship and research at the highest international levels of excellence. BUC will fulfill its mission by supporting diverse forms of academic and research activity, ranging from undergraduate to advanced graduate and professional education, and from basic scientific research to applied scientific research and applied arts. BUC aspires to become one of the top universities in Egypt and the Middle East. BUC will strive to empower students to take advantage of their education, to respect ideas and free expression, and to develop their capabilities, interests and full intellectual and human potential in the service of humanity.